LCEF Grant Application
We have made an application to the London Community Energy Fund 1
Applications closed on 11th January 2021 for a funding round of up to £15,000 for the development of community energy ideas. Our submission highlighted the benefits of Distributed Energy Generation, and Whole House Low Carbon Retrofit.
We included some calculations from PVGIS showing the possible solar energy generation capability in Berrylands.
An example of these calculations for a single-house 6KWp installation are shown here - we scaled the results appropriately for a Berrylands-sized installation. One of the most interesting numbers to come out of the system is that a 6KWp system installed here can generate 5,700KWh of electricity every year.
Using a Sunpower SPR-MAX3-400 panel, the retail cost of the panels is just £4,800 ( 6000 / 400 * £322 ) as at 2021/01/17
Click here to download the PVGIS report